  • 期刊


To Analyze the Utilization of Spaces for Community Care Settings in Taiwan


年初內政部啓動社區照顧關懷據點實施計畫時,我們首先想到本土福利服務社區化可以藉以進一步在生活社區落實。其中引起我深切關心的議題是據點所據以設立的社區現有服務空間,特別是在長久以來的公共建築物與「蚊子館」劃上等號的資源閒置中,據點政策讓我感應到閒置空間得以充分運用的曙光。 我的積極巡迴走訪關懷據點,援引於中華民國紅十字會台灣省分會的邀約參與「社區照顧關懷據點北區輔導團」,而於2006-2007年間持續參與觀察據點政策的實踐,並擔任2007-2010年的據點評鑑委員,特別關注與走訪北部地區的五、六十個服務據點;加上鼓勵社工學生藉由課堂報告與社工實習課程,分訪四十個左右的據點服務。 首先探出與社區生活脈動最切近的里民大會堂與社區活動中心,的確在這一波的政策鼓動下,發揮閉館服務的效用;第二類型的據點空間則由社區與村里組織運用免費或租用的一樓民宅,定時提供餐飲及聚會活動,或是社區鄰里充分運用轄管內的山林公園綠地以及商家前的騎樓空間等;第三類型空間則包括基督與天主教堂,以及寺廟佛道聚會場所;第四類型則由鄉鎮市公所、農會與福利部門將所使用空間挪撥作為鄰近社區民眾前來參與據點服務。這些都是空間資源被賦予服務意涵的顯例,也可以見得據點使用空間並不難尋覓,若加強使用者共同規劃據點空間,美好遠景更可期,且更有「社區空間」的可及與自主參與效應。


The space resources are important for running the community care settings around the Taiwan Island. When we perceived the space utilization of those settings located in community centers, neighborhood halls, churches and temples, housing units in residential areas, and the outdoor spaces, the good news was that some spaces empty for long time are in running to be care settings, especially for those elderly in need of local care. Since 2006 I worked as a consultant to help those care settings in some cities/counties, I visited 50-60 settings in Taipei Metropolitan, and I encouraged 70 students to interview 30-40 settings for their final reports in class of Community Work. Based on those visits and interviews we examined and analyzed the existing spaces for local care settings here. We were glad to see the fully utilization of community public spaces. However, those spaces used were not uniquely designed for the care settings, some obstacles had been shown in use. For example, the distance between care settings and houses elderly living in was longer than the easy walk; the settings were located in second floor or higher without elevators and the spaces were not so homely to stay. When public sectors own and run those public spaces, official constraints local people to use those public spaces under some set regulations. And the religious spaces in churches and temples were in trouble to attract people to come. So I present the autonomous planning and implementation on care setting spaces, which would be good for people in need of local care and local people organized via the planning process. Since 2006 I worked as a consultant to help those care settings in some cities/ counties, I visited 50-60 settings in Taipei Metropolitan, and I encouraged 70 students to interview 30-40 settings for their final reports in class of Community Work. Based on those visits and interviews we examined and analyzed the existing spaces for local care settings here. We were glad to see the fully utilization of community public spaces. However, those spaces used were not uniquely designed for the care settings, some obstacles had been shown in use. For example, the distance between care settings and houses elderly living in was longer than the easy walk; the settings were located in second floor or higher without elevators and the spaces were not so homely to stay. When public sectors own and run those public spaces, official constraints local people to use those public spaces under some set regulations. And the religious spaces in churches and temples were in trouble to attract people to come. So I present the autonomous planning and implementation on care setting spaces, which would be good for people in need of local care and local people organized via the planning process.


Hester, R. T.、張聖琳(1999)。造坊有理:社區設計的理想與實驗。台北:遠流。


