  • 期刊


A Study of Service Dimensions and Service Blueprints for the Community Care Base




The total population of Miaoli County is 544,339. Among them, the population over 65 has increased to 91,754, which is about 16.86% of the county. It has entered the "aged society". Therefore, 166 day care centers have been completed out of 275 communities, and the coverage rate is as high as 60.36% till May 2021. This research takes 3 community care bases as the research objects, aiming to uncover the service dimension and service process of the community care bases from the perspective of service design. This study adopts a case study method to conduct research on three community care bases in the county, and uses in-depth interviews for data collection and analysis. The research found that the service dimensions are mainly from health promotion, the needs of the elderly, the professional capabilities of personnel, and successful cases. The design of service procedure is lack of the concept of service blueprint. Therefore, service quality may vary from person to person, resulting in inconsistencies in service quality and results that cannot be tracked and reviewed.


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