  • 學位論文


A Study on Community Needs of Product Design and Project Counseling model

指導教授 : 李雁隆


多元就業方案係由政府與民間協力創造在地就業機會,培養失業者再就業能力,並紓解其失業帶來的危機與壓力。在地就業來自在地的經濟活動,如何透過設計的手法,為社區帶來更多的商機,成為一項重要課題。 本研究針對多元就業方案的輔導個案為主題進行調查,使用紮根理論的訪談譯碼解析,探查深入了解社區設計需求,並從社區輔導個案中,分析整理出社區產品設計需求與專案輔導模式的現狀與困境,探討優劣並進行成效評估,給予產、官、學界客觀的建議。 研究結果顯示,在社區產品設計需求與專案輔導模式方面,共有6項主要的問題點,分別為:1. 進用人員普遍缺乏設計背景。2. 缺乏設計經費執行輔導成果。3. 輔導委員變成設計者。4. 需要社區資源調查與設計課程。5. 受限的條件不利創新設計。6. 需要累積大量的社區美學資料。 期望透過本研究的結果,更能將當地人文、歷史、藝術、手工藝品、自然生態,經由活化及運用與創意最後結合社區的產品,為社區發展創造經濟價值,並且使社區的發展更具豐富及生命力。


Multi-Employment Promotion Program is by the government and civil society to create opportunity of local employment. It helps unemployed to reemploy and relieve their economic pressure. Local employment comes from the local economic activities, how to use the design methods to bring more business opportunities is become an important issue. This study is focus on the Multi-Employment Promotion Program, and the interview decoding of grounded theory is used for analysis, to explore and in-depth understanding the community needs in design. From the counseling cases and interviewing to sorting out the status of current situation and predicament, give the official, industry and academic some advice. The results show that there is total 6 major issues in community needs of product design and counseling, the columns are as follows: 1. There is a general lack of design background for employed person. 2. Lack of funding to do the design plan. 3. The counselor becomes a designer. 4. Requires community resource survey and design courses. 5. limited conditions, unfavorable innovative design. 6. Need to accumulate a large number of community aesthetics. Through the results, we expected that the local culture, history, art handicrafts and natural ecology will be more activation in the community products, create economic value for community development, and make more abundant and vitality.


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