  • 期刊


The Antecedents and Outcomes of Psychological Ownership: The Case Study of the Privatization of Chung Hsiung Paper Corporation


國營事業在台灣產業中確有其歷史的必然與貢獻。但隨著經濟與產業發展,自由市場競爭的機制不斷地衝擊國營事業的營運與績效。重新檢討某些非重大工業資源或民生必需品之國營事業營運與績效,已屬燃眉之急。不可否認的,大部分國營事業的績效常常處於虧損的狀態,不但耗費國家資源,更或多或少阻礙了產業能力的提升與經濟的發展。在此背景下,中興紙業進行了首批由國營事業員工自行集資承接的民營化措施,「興中紙業」是其民營化後的存續公司。在民營化方式上,中興紙業採取員工集資自行承接的特殊作法,也進一步牽引出管理領域中相當重要的概念,所有權知覺的形成。為何所有權知覺重要呢?因為員工所有權知覺的高低會對員工後續的工作工作、行為表現與績效產生相當深遠的影響。 因此,本研究針對民營化後興中紙業員工的所有權知覺、組織承諾以及工作行為表現等向度進行研究。研究者首先以參與觀察的方式整理出,促使「興中紙業」員工願意投資承接的原因,接著以問卷調查方式分析這些繼續留存員工的所有權知覺,並請員工的主管評估其在民營化後的工作行為表現。本研究共發出271 份問卷,回收159份有效問卷。在分析方法上,主要採取因素分析、相關分析、迴歸分析以及結構方程式模型分析等方式。 研究結果發現,「未來性考量」此因素對員工的「擁有知覺」與「參與控制知覺」有顯著的影響,而高度「擁有知覺」的員工,其「努力承諾」與「留職承諾」相對也會比較高,至於「參與控制知覺」則僅對「努力承諾」有影響。而所有權知覺對工作行為則無直接的效果,必須透過組織承諾作為中介因素,才能進一步影響工作行為。顯示所有權知覺短期內確能改變員工的工作態度,但對實際的工作行為表現並無直接的影響。


State-owned enterprises exist with historical reason in Taiwan and have made great contributions in the past decades. However, as the economy and industry progress, Taiwan has transformed into a developed country, free-market system incessantly impacts on state-owned enterprises' operation and performance. Most of these enterprises are still in debts. Therefore, not only do they waste the national resources, but also retard the growth of economy and the improvement of industries more or less. In such circumstances, Taiwan Chung Hsing Paper Corporation took its privatization. It's the beginning that the employees of state-owned enterprise raise funds to buy their company. ”Hsing Chung Paper Corporation” is the continuative company after privatization. Employees' raising funds for investment relates to a quite important managerial concept-psychological ownership. The employees' ownership perception may result in profound influence toward their work behaviors and performance. Consequently, this study focuses on several aspects, such as the employees' ownership perception, organizational commitment, and work performance in Hsing Chung Paper Corporation. Through questionnaire survey, researchers request the employees to rate their ownership perception, and ask their supervisors to evaluate the work performance after privatization. In sum, 271 questionnaires were delivered, and 159 qualified questionnaires were returned. Our analysis methods included factor analysis, correlation analysis, regression analysis, and structural equation modeling. The main findings are as follows. First, ”future consideration” has significant effect on employees' ”ownership perception” and ”participation and control perception”. Second, the higher the employees' ”ownership perception” is, the higher the ”commitment to work” and ”commitment to stay” would be. Third, ”participation and control perception” only affects ”commitment to stay”. Fourth, ”ownership perception” has no direct effect on the working behaviors, only by means of the intervention of ”organizational commitment”, can it indirectly influences working behaviors. This indicates ownership perception can change employees' work attitudes in the short term, but create no direct effect on actual work performance.


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