  • 期刊


A Discussion on the Copyright Ownership of In-Job-Service of Elementary and Secondary School Teachers Based on the Copyright Act


本文以中小學教師任職期間之著作權利歸屬為探討核心,除分就著作人即權利人之原則與例外、受僱著作與出資著作之區分、暨職務上著作與職務外著作之區分等概念加以說明外,亦同時針對法院實際判決進行案例分析,以期釐清職務上著作之妥適界限,並藉而勾勒出教師著作物權利之合理劃分準據。 依1998年修正後的著作權法規定,中小學教師於「職務上」完成之著作,其財產權雖以歸屬學校為原則,然法令並未針對「職務上」此一概念加以定義。本文主張,中小學教師於任職期間所完成之著作,並不必然均屬著作權法所稱之「職務上著作」,其範圍應以「善良管理人之職務行為標準」及「法令暨聘約之明確規範內容」為上、下限判準;至介於其間容有商榷之爭議範圍內者,則宜將著作利益推定為教師所有。因此,教師創作過程是否利用學校資源,或是否於服務時間內從事創作行為,均不應成為判斷著作權歸屬的標準。此外,本文亦據此提出下列建議:藉由法令暨聘約之明確化,提高著作權利歸屬之可判斷性;聘約應就教師職務之特性,另為有利於教師之著作權特約;法令或聘約對著作權之設定,仍應以促進教育發展為考量。


This study is focused on the copyright ownership of in-job-service of elementary and secondary school teachers. This article intends to clarify the concept of the principle and exception of writers (owners), the differences between commissioned work and employment work, and the work within the scope of employment or not. In the meantime, this article tries to analyze the actual verdict from the court in order to clarify reasonable range on work in job positions and set a reasonable norm for the ownership of the copyrights of teachers' work. According to the regulations of the revised Copyright Act in 1998, the ownership of teachers' work finished in their job positions basically belongs to schools. However, the viewpoint of this article is that the scope of work in job positions should be defined by the ”standard job behavior of a good administrator” and ”regulations of contracts and law” and other dispute between the above definition, the economic rights of work should be attributed to teachers. Furthermore, weather teachers use school resources or service hours to create their work should not be considered as the standard of defining the ownership of copyrights. This article intends to give the following suggestions: to promote the judgment of the ownership of copyrights through clarification of contracts and the regulations of law; the characteristics of teacher's positions and the copyrights favorable to teachers should be considered; when making the regulations of law and defining the copyrights, the promotion of developing education should be also considered.


林利芝(2003)。Copyright Ownership of Conventional Academic Works and On-Line Academic Works Created by University Professors。東吳法律學報。14(2),187-258。
