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An Experience in the Integration of Humanmities and Medical Science in a Gross Anatomy Curriculum






The integration of humanities and medical science curriculum is difficult, but it is believed to be the most effective way of cultivating the humanities in medical students. This report describes the experience of teaching Gross Anatomy in a relatively new medical school, with a curriculum design that is different from other established schools. We provided students with the opportunity to meet the families of the donors and to know more about the personal aspects of the bodies before dissection began. Through rituals and ceremonies, students expressed their appreciation, respect and gratitude to the body donors. During the last 3 years, through the questionnaire, we have found the response of students toward this anatomy course has been overwhelmingly positive. The students have an extremely positive per caption of the bodies and the families of the donor bodies. They respect the cadaver and frequently treat it as a “teacher” or “friend” rather than “a teaching or learning tool.” The majority of them deem addressing the cadaver as a “teacher” to be “very appropriate” or “appropriate.” Most of the students felt that the ceremonies, the request to suture the body together after dissection, and knowledge of the life history of the cadaver were all helpful. They all felt strongly that the anatomy course will help their future careers as physicians and will help them care for their patients with more compassion and love. We are convinced that the integration of humanities and science courses is achievable and has a positive influence.


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