  • 期刊


Arousal of Basketball Participation Specialization Transfers to Spectatorship


本研究目的為應用激發理論(arousal theory)的興奮轉移(excitation transfer)和流暢體驗(flow),推論從事籃球運動的經驗,可以累積激發體驗的記憶典藏,容易在觀賞運動中誘引出來,重溫那些興奮體驗的樂趣,成為觀賞運動樂趣的源頭,激發觀賞動機和意向。因此本研究發展一個模型,解釋從事籃球運動專業化程度會影響觀賞的動機和意向。研究方法採用問卷調查,測量從事籃球運動專業化認知、情感、行為三構面,觀賞籃球賽事娛樂、自尊、社會、知識四個動機和觀賞籃球賽事意向。採配額取樣,針對籃球場上打球的人群、超級籃球聯賽現場觀眾、和非現場觀賞的受訪者發放問卷,樣本共300份。結果顯示測量模型配適度和量表信、效度可以接受,結構方程模型分析顯示從事籃球運動專業化程度對於觀賞籃球賽事動機具有中度解釋力(27%),對於觀賞籃球賽事意向直接預測效果0.35稍大於間接的預測效果0.29。觀賞意向被從事運動專業化與觀賞動機解釋的變異量為65%,顯示模型具高度解釋力。本研究結論從事籃球運動專業化程度高的人,較能誘發觀賞的娛樂動機,同時可以藉由想像投射的心理作用,產生替代性的流暢體驗,提昇自尊。或可藉由觀賞學習,再從從事運動中達到流暢體驗,形成善性循環,有益身心健康。


The purpose of this study was to apply excitation transfer and flow experience in arousal theory in order to explain that experiences of arousal in basketball participation would help participants recall the excitement if given cues while watching sports. As a result, prior experiences of arousal in sport participation could serve a source to stimulate the motivation and intention to watch the sport. The current study demonstrated a model to explain the impacts of basketball participation on watching motivation and intention to watch basketball games. Specialization in basketball participation, as well as spectator motivation and intention were considered. The research method used a survey questionnaire, which included a scale for measuring different levels of specialization for playing basketball. This was done in terms of cognitive, affective, and behavioral constructs. The questionnaire also included measures for the four motives (i .e. entertainment, self-esteem, sociability, and knowledge) for participants who were watching basketball games and three items for measuring their intentions. Using quota sampling, the questionnaires were distributed in basketball courts to players, in a stadium to the audience of the Super Basketball League, and in other places to those who had ever watched basketball games. Totally, 300 valid questionnaires were used. The results showed that the measurement model fit and the reliabilities and validities of the scales were acceptable. The analyses of structural equation modeling showed the specialization of basketball participation predicted moderately the level of motivation for watching basketball games (27%). The direct effect of specialization on basketball spectator intention (0.35) was slightly higher than the indirect effect (0.29). The variability explained in basketball spectator intention by participation specialization and watching motivation was 65%, indicating the model predicted the relationships between participation and spectatorship well. The conclusions suggested that people with a high degree of participation specialization would be able to induce entertainment motivation for watching sports. Meanwhile, through imagination and projection, a spectator with participation experiences might achieve vicariously flow experience and enhance self-esteem in watching sports, or might learn new skills from watching to help achieve flow in participation. This would form a virtuous circle to benefit health.


臺灣社會變遷調查(2007)。台灣社會變遷基本調查計畫:第五期第三次(問卷二:休閒組) , 2012 年4 月25 日,取自http://srda.sinica.edu.tw/


