  • 期刊

FIFA 11+ 熱身運動對足球員之應用

Application of FIFA 11+ Warm-Up Programme in Football Players




Football is a team sport considered to have a high risk of sport injuries. Due to the high frequency of body contact and the intrinsic control of the kinematic movements during the game, most sport injuries occur in the lower extremities and the head. Such injuries present a heavy financial and psychological burden to the clubs and the injured players. In recent years, FIFA's medical specialists have developed a structured injury prevention program, the FIFA 11+. The contents of its neuromuscular exercises include dynamic stretching, muscles strength, plyometric exercise, low and medium intensity running exercise, core stability, reaction, and balance. The FIFA 11+ is a structural warm up program that is easy to implement and demonstrate. This article reviews the literature on the FIFA 11+ investigations with a focus on the application and effectiveness of the FIFA 11+ warm-up programme on training effects and injury prevention in football players. With respect to the warm-up effects, the results of this article indicate that the FIFA 11+ can immediately increase exercise performance and agility for tasks jumping and short-distant sprinting. Moreover, performing the FIFA 11+ at the beginning of the training sessions and matches throughout a season can effectively reduce lower limb injuries by 30 ~ 72%. The effectiveness of the FIFA 11+ is related to its positive training effects on muscle strength, sense of the knee joint position, agility, balance, and performance skill.


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Nakase, J., Inaki, A., Mochizuki, T., Toratani, T., Kosaka, M., Ohashi, Y., ..., Tsuchiya, H. (2013). Whole body muscle activity during the FIFA 11+ program evaluated by positron emission tomography. PLoS ONE, 8(9). doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0073898
