  • 期刊


Applying UML on the Attribute-Oriented Approach for Software Change Impact Analysis


軟體變更對於軟體開發中的組態管理(Configuration Management)而言,是項重要的研究課題。為了能協助處理變更時所需要進行之高負荷的變更影響分析工作,有研究(Chen and Chen, 2009)提出以屬性為基底、物件導向的軟體變更影響分析方法(AttrCIA)。然而,目前這類的變更影響分析方法,其運作的前提即是需要人工建立產品內容關聯模型。本研究針對上述的AttrCIA中建立產品內容關聯模型的效率問題作更進一步研發,期望利用自動化建立機制取代人工手動建立。亦即,在使用統一塑模語言(UML)的軟體開發環境下,藉由各種UML圖形產生的時機,運用本研究所提出的機制,來自動化建立組態項目及關聯屬性。我們並據以開發出一套軟體系統,用以展示本研究所提出的方法。


Software change is inevitable in software development life cycle. Unexpected changes are risks that may lead software to failure. Therefore, it is an important issue to realize derived impacts from a change in early stage of change management lifecycle. An earlier study, attribute-oriented change impact analysis (AttrCIA) approach, was developed in this regard. In this paper, we try to enhance the usability of the approach by focusing on the establishment of the attributes of software component and related mechanism between attributes. The attribute creation and model build-up process can be embedded by the work of UML diagrams. A software example will be used accordingly to demonstrate both the approach and the implementation.
