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Contrast or Assimilation?: Investigation on the Social Comparison of Healthy Status


過去的研究指出比較方向會影響人們的自我評價,而比較焦點(focus of comparison)會影響社會比較的同化對比效果,進而影響自我評價,另有研究指出比較面向的相關性亦有相同的影響。故本研究即在同時探討比較焦點與比較面向相關性的同化對比效果,以及比較方向、比較焦點與比較面向相關性對自我評價的影響。本研究以健康狀況為社會比較面向,主要發現比較方向與比較焦點以及比較方向與比較面向相關性都對自我評價有顯著的交互作用。而且高相關時,會產生顯著的對比效果,低相關時,並未產生顯著的同化效果;比較焦點為自己時,會產生顯著的對比效果,而當比較焦點為他人時,亦未產生顯著的同化效果。


The past research had demonstrated that the focus of comparison will affect the assimilation and contrast effects, and that will resultantly have an impact on self-evaluation. Some other research indicated the self-relevance of comparison dimension causes the same effects. Therefore, for making the study more complete, we investigated the assimilation and contrast effects caused by the focus of comparison and the self-relevance of comparison dimension and the impact of comparison direction, focus of comparison and the self-relevance of comparison dimension on self-evaluation. The study uses health status as a dimension of social comparison and primarily found that the direction of comparison and the focus of comparison have a significant interactive effect on self-evaluation, and so do the direction of comparison and the self-relevance of comparison dimension. When the self-relevance is high, there is a significant contrast effect on self-evaluation, but not a significant assimilation effect when the self-relevance is low. Using self as the focus of comparison causes a significant contrast effect on self-evaluation, while using others as the focus of comparison does not have a significant assimilation effect on self-evaluation.


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