The transition from home to long-term care is destabilizing for new residents. There are unsettling changes to familiar life style and living environment. Chenitz (1983) stated that creating continuity with aspects of prior lifestyle helps new residents ease into their new situation and retain ego strength and self-esteem. A good strategy might be for the residents to continue previous leisure activities and sport participation. The purpose of this study is to explore the impact of participating in familiar leisure activities on adjustment to relocation to residential care based on Continuity Theory (Atchley, 1989). Prior studies report that engaging in leisure activities enables people to maintain internal continuity and external continuity as a benefit of leisure participation. They addressed the influence of internal continuity (e.g., psychic structure of ideas, temperaments, affects, experiences, preferences, dispositions and skills) or external continuity (e.g. physical and social environments, role relationship, and activities) on newly placed residents to: (a) ”reveal the meaning of changing lifestyle and being existence in the world(or society)” gain understanding that the new lifestyle has for them and their value to society; (b) confront reality and respond to requirements in the external environment (i.e. the institution); (c) sustain relationships with family members and friends as well as others (e.g. peers and staff in the institution); (d) sustain psychological well-being and decrease emotional distress; and (e) preserve self-image and maintain a sense of competence and mastery.