  • 期刊


Improvement Plan of the Elder's Depression Degree in Nursing Homes


本專案使用老人憂鬱量表(Geriatric Depression Scale, GDS)調查後發現,機構老人憂鬱症發生率約82%。分析原因包括缺乏帶領團體活動經驗人員、無團體活動及家庭支持系統薄弱。為降低老人憂鬱狀況,本機構自2011年3月1日至8月31日實施專案改善方案,旨在降低老人憂鬱症的發生率。採取解決措施為(一)實施工作人員「團體活動帶領」之在職教育訓練,增加人員帶領活動信心度;(二)製作「團體活動帶領-實務指引」手冊,並將活動納為護理常規;(三)規劃家庭聚會之支持系統,如每月「電話探親」與「家庭日聚會」。透過改善專案的實施後,老人的憂鬱症發生率降至29%。希冀本專案能喚起大家對老人心理層面的重視,提供更完善及整合性的照護。


老人 憂鬱


We adopt Geriatric Depression Scale, GDS, in our project and found that the occurrence rate of elderly depression in our institution is about 82%. Analysis of reasons: lacking staffs that are able to lead activities; being in short of group activities, and having weak family supporting system. In Order to better the elder's depression situation, our institution carries out the improvement project, which aims to lowering the occurrence rate of elderly depression, from 2011 March 1 to August 31. Solution method taken: First, put training education at work of ”leading group activities,” into practice; Second, compile ”leading group activities - practical guidelines” manual and incorporate activities into daily nursing; third, arrange support system of family gathering such as monthly ”Telephoning Day” ”Family Day”. After we carried out the improvement project, the occurrence rate of elderly depression reduced to 29%. We hope our project can arouse everybody's awareness of elder person's psychological needs, and provides more complete care with conformability.


elder depression
