  • 期刊


A Preliminary Study on the Reconstitution of the System Regarding Non-Performance of Obligations -- Focusing on the Concept of Breach of Duty


我國民法債編自2000 年5 月間修訂施行後,國際上民事法之發展,以2002 年德國新債法之施行最受關注,相關修法經驗,對於債編之再修訂,應具參考價值。德國新債法之改革動力,其一乃考量與國際趨勢之接軌,其二乃嘗試與區域法律之融合。就技術層面而言,簡化、易於掌握之方向自始明確,而以「違反義務」為核心概念,則為宏觀國際發展趨勢後之微觀設計,深值重視。我國債編之再修訂,既有接軌國際之考量,亦有融合國內之必要,在債務不履行體系之再建構上,似得基於符合時代潮流之債法原則、債法體系之簡化及債法之現代化等因素,在核心概念選定及架構重整等大方向上,參考德國經驗而斟酌修訂。


On 1 January 2002 the new German Law of Obligations (GLO) came into force. Due to its historical reputation GLO had widely known. The sources of GLO include the transposition of several EC Directives and the codification of some parts of the existing German law. It is appropriate to claim that the new system regarding non-performance of obligations is one of the most relevant issues of GLO. The very general concept of the new system is "breach of duty" which is regarded as a fundamental change on the base of non-performance of obligations. According to the new system the prerequisites for the obligor's remedies depend on the type of remedy, including: compensation (in lieu of performance, for delay, etc.), other possible remedies (e.g.: removal of a defect, delivery of new goods without defects, and termination as well) It is argued that the purpose of the new system was mainly to make the understanding of GLO easier. In this article the basic framework of the new system is briefly introduced and analyzed. It is the hope of the author that this framework could be transformed as the reference model for the revision of new Taiwanese Law of Obligations. Especially, the introduction of "breach of duty" could contribute to the establishment of the foundation for the entire law of obligations.


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