  • 期刊


Effects of Aquatic Resistance Plyometric Training on Lower Limb Strength, Jumping Performance and Dynamic Stability in Collegiate Basketball Players


本研究目的在比較介入8週水中阻力增強式訓練對下肢肌力、跳躍能力、動態穩定度、肌肉痠痛及停訓4週後保留效果之影響。方法是以中國文化大學15名男籃代表隊選手為對象(平均年齡19.8 ± 0.9歲、身高 186.1 ± 5.7公分、體重82.9 ± 5.7公斤)。隨機分成水中阻力增強式訓練組及控制組,前測後展開為期8週, 每週2次,每次60分鐘之訓練;再於結束後1週及4週施予後測。研究結果發現:一、水中阻力增強式訓 練組停訓後4週,在60°.s^(-1)、180°.s^(-1) 膝伸相對力矩峰值及3步擺臂垂直跳之跳躍高度均顯著優於前測,且在180° s^(-1)膝伸相對力矩峰值及3步擺臂垂直跳落地接觸時間亦顯著優於訓練後1週。二、水中阻力增強 式訓練組在訓練結束後1週及4 週之動態穩定度指數均顯著優於前測。本研究結論:水中阻力增強式訓練可顯著改善下肢動態穩定度,且其效果可保留至停止訓練後4週。水中阻力增強式訓練對下肢肌力及跳躍高度之效果,有延遲出現之現象,在停訓4週後均顯著優於訓練前。建議可應用水中阻力增強式訓練並配合賽前減量計畫,以利在較長的賽季中維持專項體能。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of 8 weeks aquatic resistance plyometric training (ARPT) on lower limb strength, jumping performance, dynamic stability and muscle soreness, and also to determine the persistence of training effect following 4 weeks detraining in collegiate basketball players. Fifteen Division I male basketball players from Chinese Culture University (CCU) (age: 19.8 ± 0.9 yr, height: 186.1 ± 5.7 cm, weight: 82.9 ± 5.7 kg) were randomly assigned into ARPT and C (control) groups. After the pretests, participants in both training groups performed two 60-min training sessions per week for 8 weeks. Posttest analyses were conducted after first and fourth week of detraining. Results indicated that 4 weeks detraining significantly improved the relative peak torque of knee extension with angular velocity set at 60°.S^(-1) and 180°.S^(-1), and jump height of three-step jump (TSJ) compared to pre-test in ARPT group. Furthermore, relative peak torque with angular velocity set at 180°.S^(-1) and contact time of TSJ were also significantly improved following 4-week detraining than 1 week after training. The Star Excursion Balance Test of ARPT group was significantly improved than pre-test following 1 and 4 weeks of detraining. We conclude that the aquatic resistance plyometric training significantly improved the dynamic stability of the lower limbs, and these effects appear to be sustained until 4 weeks following detraining. Although the effect of ARPT has a delay phenomenon in lower limb strength and jumping performance after 8-week training, however, following 4-week detraining, the effects are significantly better than pre-test and 1 week after training. We recommend that aquatic resistance plyometric training could be applied with tapering, which may be beneficial to maintain the s pecific physical fitness in the longer season.


陳竑廷、鍾雨純、何松諺、王三財、劉祐君、吳慧君(2015)。水中阻力及陸上負重增強式訓練對運動誘發Th1 型、Th2 型及Th17 型細胞激素失衡之影響。運動生理暨體能學報。20,47-57。


