  • 期刊


Effects of 4-Week Chlorella Supplementation on Resistance Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage in Athletes


先前研究顯示短時間綠藻補充可以改善高強度阻力運動引起肌肉疲勞現象。本研究目的為以增加補充時間的方式,探討補充4 週綠藻,對運動後恢復期肌肉損傷與最大肌力表現的影響。研究方法為隨機雙盲安慰劑組實驗設計,將24 名羽球運動選手研究受試者分成安慰劑組與綠藻組。每位受試者皆完成口服28 天綠藻(4.5 克/天)或等量的安慰劑(澱粉)後,進行單次阻力運動以誘發肌肉損傷,損傷模式以最大肌力為負荷進行大腿推蹬、大腿曲屈與胸部推舉各進行各4 組。並於補充前、運動後24 與後48 小時分別測量血清肌酸激酶與乳酸去氫酶活性,並以量表評估肌肉疼痛情形,於運動後第3、4、5 天測量最大肌力表現。研究結果顯示:阻力運動造成血液肌酸激酶活性與肌肉痠痛上升,並造成肌肉力量降低。綠藻組運動後第24 及第48 小時血液肌酸激酶活性與肌肉痠痛顯著低於安慰劑組。綠藻組運動後3 至4 天大腿推蹬力量顯著高於安慰劑組,運動後4 至5 天大腿曲屈與胸部推舉力量顯著高於安慰劑組。綜合上述結果,本研究結論為較長時間的綠藻補充不但可以避免運動後肌肉疲勞,且會降低恢復期肌肉損傷。


疼痛 肌酸激酶 乳酸去氫酶


Our previous study has shown that 7 days Chlorella powder pre-supplementation can attenuate the resistance exercise-induced muscle fatigue. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of Chlorella supplementation for four weeks on exercise-induced muscle damage and maximal muscle strength during recovery. In this randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study, 24 college badminton players were recruited, and divided into the placebo or Chlorella trials. The subjects were supplemented with Chlorella powder (4.5 g/ day) or placebo for 28 days, and then challenged to an acute resistance exercises (5 sets of 1 RM, with a 1-min rest between sets) to induce muscle damage. The muscle damage and muscle soreness markers were measured at 24 and 48 hours after exercise challenge in both trials. Maximum muscle strength was determined on day 3, 4, 5 after acute exercise. The results showed that the blood creatine kinase, lactate dehydrogenase activities and muscle soreness were significantly increased, whereas muscle strength was decreased after acute resistance exercise in the placebo trial. However, creatine kinase activities and muscle soreness of participants in the Chlorella trial were significantly lowered compared with placebo trial at 24 and 48 hours following resistance exercise. Furthermore, the maximum muscle strength of leg press on 3rd and 4th day, and leg curl and chest press on 4th and 5th day during recovery period in Chlorella trial were significantly higher than the placebo trial. Our results conclude that Chlorella supplementation can reduce the resistance exercise-induced muscle damage, and decrease muscle fatigue in athletes during the recovery.


pain creatine kinase lactate dehydrogenase


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