  • 期刊

Optimal Viewing Position in Chinese Reading








The study addressed the effect of the Optimal Viewing Position (OVP) in word on recognition of Chinese. It has been frequently reported in English that the optimal viewing position in word exerts a great influence on word recognition, with increase in response time and refixation probability for recognizing a word when the initial fixation of the eyes deviates from the optimal viewing position. With the findings, this study was conducted to investigate whether Chinese words have an optimal viewing positing for recognition as well though structural differences exist between Chinese and alphabetic languages. In the study, subjects participated in a word recognition task where the initial fixation of subjects' eyes was directed to fixate at one of several predetermined locations in a presented word on computer screen, and the subjects were asked to recognize the word as soon as possible, with response times being recorded by the computer. The presented words in the study are two and three-characters words and vary in word frequency and word structural complexity. The results showed that response times are shortest if the initial fixation is located at the center of words, that is, at the space between the first and second character of two character words or at the second character of three-character words. The results also showed that response times increase as a function of deviation of initial fixation from the center of words. The results suggest that there is an optimal viewing position for recognition of Chinese words in isolation. The influence of the optimal viewing position in Chinese words on the control of eye movements in Chinese reading was discussed in the study.


