  • 期刊


The Development of a Television Literacy Film Test for Elementary School Children



本研究旨在發展兒童電視識讀能力影片測驗, 希望豐富國小學生電視識讀能力相關議題探討的工具資源, 並藉由該工具初步檢視台灣現階段國小學生電視識讀能力的發展概況。研究中以學校為單位, 隨機抽取國小四、六年級學生作為樣本, 預試樣本340人,常模樣本1048人。測驗內容分為(1)情節與畫面的區辨; (2) 技術與立場的覺察; (3) 廣告技巧的辨聶; 及(4)真實性與過切性的判斷等四個層面的選擇式試題共39題及開放式試題兩題。正式題本分為甲乙兩式,每式27題, 其中15題為共同試題。研究中以共同試題為定錨, 採兩式測驗參數同 時估計的方式進行題目反應理論的參數估計。基於討論需求,研究中同時編擬一份兒童電視觀賞習慣量表進行初步的調查。就常模樣本典型學生而言, 預期答對概率大致在.70左右(四、六年級分別為.65及.76) , 針對中等能力學生的能力估計而言,預期信度在.85左右。對國小中高年級學生,難度和信度大致適切。學生最感困難的題目是電視影片分級標誌及影片氣氛和重點資訊的進階精緻區辨, 問卷調查發現有28%的學生每天平均看電視的時間超過兩個小時,而家人對兒童觀看電視時間的規範, 及兒童與家人或老師討論電視節目的機會等議題, 都有待家庭和學校教育進一步的反應和調整。電視聽讀與閱讀理解相關為.56, 與在校成續相關為.43 .城鄉與性別對電視識讀能力變異的解釋量都不大, 但年級之間差異卻是系統而明顯的,四、六年級學生平均答對概率的差異為.11。排除閱讀理解能力的差異,年級對學生電視識讀表現變異的解釋力尚達13%,顯示電視識讀能力構念合理的獨立性和年級發展性, 值得後續工具研發的參考。


The purpose of this study is to develop a television literacy film test (TVLFT) for the elementary school children to enrich the instrument resources of academic researches and empirical applications. One thousand and forty-eight students were sampled as the norm. The major issues covered in the test are (1) . comprehension of message and program type; (2) awareness of production techniques and news programming; (3) recognition of advertisement skills; and (4) evaluation of the reality and appropriateness. About 28% students spend more than two hours watching TV everyday. They seldom discussed with their parents or teachers about the TV programs they watched. For the typical forth and sixth graders of the norm, the expected probabilities of correct answers are around .65 and .75 respectively. The expected reliability coefficient is around .85. The correlation coefficients among TV literacy and reading comprehension and school achievement are .56 and .43 respectively. Using reading comprehension as the covariant,the differences of TV literacy between forth and sixth graders are significant (the ETA Square is around 13% between grades). The preliminary reliability and validity evidences suggested that the operational construct of TVLFT was reasonably supported.


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