  • 期刊

區別高低分群學生數學成就因素的國際比較-以台灣、南韓、澳洲與賽普勒斯的TIMSS 2003學生背景變項爲例

The International Comparison of Factors That Differentiate Mathematics Students: The Effects of TIMSS 2003 Students Background Information within Taiwan, Korea, Australia and Cyprus


亞洲學生在數學方面的成就,在許多國際競賽中都是名列前茅,至於為何能有此傑出的表現,一直都是全世界教育學者所好奇與關心的問題。此外,台灣學生在數學成就上雖然優異,但是八年級學生數學成就在中級以下(含中級、初級、未達400)者,所占比率竟為亞洲四小龍之冠。顯然我國有一群為數不少的低分組學生存在,此方面情形與同為數學表現優異的南韓相似。因此,到底存在哪些變項可以區別高低分群的學生,以及這些變項是否具有文化差異,即為本研究主要探討的問題。 本研究所探討的變項,限制在TIMSS 2003所提供的背景問卷中,從而找出能夠區別台灣、南韓、澳洲與賽普勒斯四個國家,八年級高低分群學生的變項為何?經由逐步區別分析後主要發現如下: 1.在本研究所探討的國家中,區別高低分群的變項,基本上是大同小異。 2.「數學態度」在每一個國家,都是區辨高低分群的最有力變項。 3.「家中藏書」的區辨效果,整體而言僅次於「數學態度」。 4.「額外課程」在區辨高低分群上,東西方有截然不同的影響力,在台灣與韓國典型區別函數係數是正值,但是在澳洲與賽普勒斯都是負值。 最後本研究將根據分析結果與相關文獻,對國際比較與未來相關研究,提出具體的建議以供相關單位與研究者參考。


The outstanding performance of East Asian students on the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 2003 math achievement survey has won international attention. Taiwan is one of those nations, but there are quite individual differences among the students, and the problem of twin peak distribution is seriously. The purpose of this study is to examine which variables will discriminate between the high and low scoring groups of 8th-grade students among (within?) 2 Eastern Asian (Taiwan, Republic of Korea) and 2 Western (Australia, Cyprus) countries separately. By stepwise discriminant analysis, the conclusions in this research are as follows: 1 .The background information from student questionnaire to discriminate the high and low scoring group appears similar patterns with all nations included presented study. 2. The Liking Mathematics is the most predictive background information to discriminate high and low scoring group, among all nations in this study. 3. Books in the home is also a predictive variable, just behind the Liking Mathematics. 4. The role of extra lessons is quite striking between Eastern and Western nations. In Taiwan and Republic of Korea, the discriminate function coefficient of extra lessons to predict math achievement is positive, but it is negative in Australia and Cyprus. Finally, the issues and suggestions about the international comparative studies are discussed.


台灣國中生科學數學頂呱呱 李遠哲:不值得高興


李雯雅(2009)。台灣國二學生數學學習成就之相關因素研究:以TIMSS 2007問卷為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2009.02697
