  • 期刊


Nursing Experience of Taking Care of a Patient with Congestive Heart Failure




心衰竭 護理


Congestive heart failure is a chronic and complicated disease. In addition to the decline in physical function, patients' psychological health and social relationships are also affected. This study describes the nursing experience of taking care of a patient with congestive heart failure in an intensive care unit. Relevant information was collected from patient evaluations, observations, conversations through correspondence, interviews, and discussion with the medical team. The patient's health assessment was performed using Gordon's 11 functional health patterns. The patient suffered from health problems such as gas exchange dysfunction, fluid volume excess, anxiety, and knowledge deficit. In response to the health problems mentioned above, the patient's vital signs and oxygenation status were closely monitored, the patient was provided with respiratory care, and the patient's fluid input and output was monitored to reduce cardiac load and improve life crisis. The patient's family was allowed to provide care and keep the patient's company to reduce the patient's anxiety. Because the patient had once discontinued medication due to a lack of knowledge of the disease, relevant knowledge and care were provided to the patient and the patient's family. After nursing measures were taken, the patient's disease condition improved, and the patient was discharged from the intensive care unit. It is hoped that this nursing experience can facilitate patient's self-care ability and prevent readmission.


Congestive Heart Failure Nursing
