  • 期刊


Thomas Kuhn, David Bloor, and the Principle of Symmetry




Is Thomas Kuhn's theory of scientific changes consistent with the Sociology of Scientific Knowledge (SSK) and the principle of symmetry? One may divide Kuhn's thought into "early Kuhn" and "late Kuhn", bifurcated by the publication of The Structure of Scientific Revolutions in 1962. The early Kuhn closely resembles SSK; the late Kuhn does not. In this article I first examine Kuhn's own words regarding SSK and his viewpoint regarding internalism and externalism in the historiography of science. Then I analyze David Bloor's application of the principle of symmetry to case studies in the history of technology. It will emerge that Kuhn's idea of internalismexternalism in historiography is rather unorthodox. His own definition of "internalism" approximates the definition of externalism accepted by most historians. This is one reason why Kuhn's thought is superficially similar to SSK but is actually very different and has nothing to do with the principle of symmetry. Whether early Kuhn or late Kuhn, my analysis reveals no adherence to the principle of symmetry used by Bloor or other SSKists to deliberately mark off two social classes or status groups into advocates of true or false, successful or failed theories.


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