  • 期刊


Land, Community, and Faith: An Analytical Model of Folk Environmental Discourse




This research focuses on Houjin, Kaohsiung, an urban marginal community best known for its anti-pollution and anti-CPC movements of the 1980s and the 2000s. Drawing on life-story interviews with 15 Houjin residents who were born in the 1950s, I examine the ways residents living in proximity to an industrial complex conceptualize industrial pollution, environmental movement, and associated socio-ecological transformations. The historic anti-pollution movement opened up new political space for citizen participation; it also has become the symbol of community identity. Moreover, particularistic ethics of fraternity, equity, and karma are articulated with universalist ethics of environmentalism, and form the basis of environmental perception. In analyzing the environmental discourse of ordinary people, I argue that the folk model of environmentalism consists of three dimensions-local knowledge about land and pollution, interpersonal ethics, and cosmology. In dialogue with scholarly literature concerning place-based movement and community studies, this research discusses how a particularistic and community-based environmentalism was open to different levels of 〞others〞 through continuous environmental actions, and developed into a grassroots reflection over the quality of life for an entire country.
