  • 期刊


Online Gender Communication Style: A perspective on Deborah Tannen


性別與語言這個領域包含了多種學科的研究,早期這些性別研究出爐後,一些有關描寫兩性問題的通俗著作也就多了起來。其中黛伯拉•泰南(Deborah Tannen)從跨文化研究的角度,對兩性溝通的差別性主張,廣被大眾接受,並且也常被引用至學術研究中,可視為是這個領域的權威。本文嘗試藉由Tannen(1990)的觀點來了解性別與語言使用的研究脈絡,進一步探討在線上的兩性溝通風格與語言。雖然網路具備匿名性等特質,但是在CMC中的性別溝通風格研究中,學者發現線上與真實世界中的兩性溝通風格還是有很大的相似性,除非是匿名或是去性別化特別明顯的線上人際溝通場合,CMC中的兩性溝通特質還是深受面對面兩性溝通特質的影響。本文也將檢視CMC性別研究的結果,探討Tannen研究的價值,以了解線上溝通模式受到真實環境中兩性溝通差異性的影響情形。


The study of gender and language encompasses several areas of academic research. In early days, mass writings, which describe bisexual questions became popular after the gender and language research was published. Among these writings, Deborah Tannen's assertion from the viewpoint of interculture research that explains the differences in between genders has been widely accepted bythe public. It is usually quoted in academic research as well. In addition, her research could be seen as the authority in the area of gender and language. This article tries to employ Tannen's viewpoints, as described in her 1990 work ”You Just Don't Understand: Women and Men in Conversation”. To analyze gender differences in communication language. Furthermore, it talks about the on-line communication style and language use between two genders. The net possesses the distinguishing characteristics of anonymity, interaction, and accessibility. Therefore, in the gender research of CMC (Computer-Mediated Communication), some scholars think optimistically that both genders equally participate and communicate on line. This article is going to inspect some latter results of CMC gender research. Although the net possesses the distinguishing characteristics of anonymity, interaction, and accessibility, researchers found similar gender communication styles online and real world. The characteristics of online gender communication style is related to the characteristics of face-to-face gender communication style. The goal of this article is to explore the value of Tannen's research in order to understand if the difference of the two genders' communication language in the real world has been affected by online communication mode.


Gender Communication Style CMC


