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病例報告:Prototheca wickerhamii引起犬皮膚型原壁藻症一例

Case Report: Canine Cutaneous Protothecosis Caused by Prototheca wickerhamii in a Dog


病畜為一隻五歲雄性已絕育之馬爾濟斯犬,於2009年1月在地方動物醫院初次就診,於近鼻翼處發現一直徑約0.8公分之退色及增生病灶區,病理確診為犬原壁藻感染症,以Itraconazole治療約十個月未見惡化。病畜於2010年12月死亡,送請病理獸醫師進行剖檢,肉眼解剖病變為鼻吻部、臀部及四肢皮膚紅腫且有多發潰瘍灶,多處周邊及腸系膜淋巴結腫脹。顯微病變特徵為皮下及肌肉間出現肉芽腫性炎症、大區域壞死及大量淡染之圓形微生物,以Periodic acid-Schiff(PAS)染色可清楚看到孢子囊(sporangia)內含有2至4個,具有厚細胞壁的圓形孢子囊孢子(sporangiospores)。皮膚檢體進行病原鑑定。先以含抗生素Chloramphenicol之Sabouraud dextrose agar(SDA)培養,篩選出單一菌落後以FPFD方法萃取DNA且以Prototheca spp. 18s rDNA區域為標的之引子進行PCR,將所得之序列於NCBI資料庫進行比對分析(BLAST)。利用ClustalX(1.81)軟體進行核酸序列比對,再以Neighber-joining運算模式,建構親原分析樹狀圖,發現此病原之序列與Prototheca wickerhamii之18s rDNA基因序列最為相似,基於上述病理學及病原鑑定,確診本病例為Prototheca wickerhamii感染。


原壁藻症 皮膚 藻類

Parallel abstracts

The patient was a 5-year-old castrated male Maltese. The first visit to the private clinic in Jan 2009 was due to a single lesion of depigmentation and hyperplasia near the ala of nose. Protothecosis was diagnosed by histopathologic evaluation. The patient was treated with itraconazole for about 10 months and died in Dec 2010. Complete necropsy was performed. Multiple ulceration lesions, skin reddish and swollen were found in the hip area and hind legs. In addition, multiple peripheral and mesenteric lymph nodes were swollen. Microscopically, the lesions were characterized by pyogranulomatous inflammation with numerous intralesional round to oval, pale stained microorganisms infiltrating the subcutaneous, muscle tissues and lymph nodes. With periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) histochemistry, the organisms had characteristic sporangia containing 2 to 4, round sporangiospores with thick cell wall. Skin specimens were also collected for pathogen identification. The pathogen was isolated by colonizing on Sabouraud dextrose agar (SDA) with chloramphenicol. After isolation the pathogen, the DNA extraction was performed by FPFD method and multiplied by PCR method with prototheca spp. 18s rDNA primer. The result was analyzed and compared in NCBI web database (BLAST). Furthermore, the phylogenetic analysis was established through ClustalX (1.81) software for comparison and analyzed by Neighbor-joining method. The result presents this pathogen shows highest similarity with Prototheca wickerhamii by comparing 18s rDNA. Based on the examination of pathology and molecular biology, cutaneous protothecosis caused by Prototheca wickerhamii was diagnosed in this case.

Parallel keywords

canine protothecosis skin algae
