  • 期刊


An Academic Exploration on an Advantage of the from the Postmodernism Perspective



國內景氣下滑,失業率升高,創近三十年來的紀錄。自921大地震後,災區復健工作正如火如荼的進行,但元氣尚未恢復,民國90年7月「桃芝」颱風度重創地震災區;使得世代居住於災區、失業率遠遠高於一般國民原住民災民,一貧如洗。 政府為挽救與提振失業率屢創新高的原住民族生計,大力發展原住民性觀光事業,希望藉由開發及推廣原住民風土民情,帶動國內觀光事業發展,增加原住民就業機會。 本研究以文獻回顧法及歸納法,從原住民失業率、原住民族的歷史文化切入發現:1.漢族因不瞭解原住民歷史淵源,2.長期以來所規劃之促進與扶助原住民相關政策方向錯誤,是造成原住民一直屈居於社會結構底層之根源。 筆者從後現代理論觀點,引申出一條與原住民文化專長與競爭優勢相吻合的生存潛在機會。希望改變、促進原住民生活,活出臺灣原住民往日的風采及尊嚴。


The depression of domestic economy in Taiwan, makes moving up, that has broken the record during the nearest three decades. ”921” earthquake, which occurred huge damage in Taiwan, the constructions in disaster areas had not completed yet, but the consequent typhoon ”Tao-Tzu” appeared in July 2001, once more severe blow on above areas. These two incidents had those of residents who live at disaster area with absolute beggarliness, their unemployment rate is average much higher than those of whom are non-aboriginal. For sake of rescuing high unemployment and aboriginal living, government is now devoted to aboriginal cultural tourism. It hopes to accumulate domestic tourism, opportunity of aboriginal employment. The methodology of this paper adopts lecture review and inductive method cutting in from unemployment rate of aboriginal and the root of aboriginal historical culture. Explores them and results findings: 1. Hahn People do not understand the origin of aboriginal history. 2. Those programs long-term planned to promote and help aborigines by government are totally wrong on policy way that roots how aborigines still occupy an inferior position under social structure. From a postmodern theory perspective, this paper pretend to extend meaning one of potential opportunity, which is accord with aboriginal specificity and core competitiveness. It hopes to change and promote aboriginal living, highlight their by past elegant appearance and dignity.


林秋霖(2012)。原住民部落觀光產業發展模式之研究: 以復興鄉高遶部落營造為例〔碩士論文,元智大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0009-2801201415005479
