  • 期刊


A Project to Reduce the Risk of Extravasation at an Outpatient Chemotherapy Unit




Extravasation of chemotherapeutic agents may cause severe physical and mental injuries to patients; therefore, prevention of extravasation is a crucial issue. The extravasation rate from January to June in 2010 at our outpatient chemotherapy unit was higher than that we had expected. Hence we developed a project to reduce the extravasation rate. After analyzing the problems, we found that only 87.5% of patients acknowledged the safety issues regarding chemotherapy administration with further analysis, In addition, we also identified several other problems including poor understanding of instructions by patients, the lack of a good instruction tool, poor fixation of catheters, the inadequacy of facilities in the restroom, the patient's lack of knowledge on operating he faculty, and the improper site of catheter indwelling. After improving the tools and manuals of the safety instruction, making a general rule about catheter fixations, improving the environmental safety and equipments, implementing an auditing system, specifying the contraindicated injection site and frequency of tubing observations, the extravasation rate reduced from 0.023% to 0.007%. Furthermore, the rate of patients’ cognition of the safety on chemotherapy and compliance reached 100%. In conclusion, this project disclosed the importance of multiple diversified nursing care to improve the patient safety and the insights of the families, and it was very helpful to prevent extravasation of the intravenous injection drugs and to improve the quality of outpatient chemotherapy.


