  • 期刊


Inventory Investment and Stock Return:Evidence from the Case of Taiwan’s Manufacturing


本文運用Durlauf與Maccini (1995)的最適存貨行為模型將存貨分成計畫性存貨和非計畫性存貨,以台灣總產業和其他七種產業為為資料,利用OLS和GMM兩種計量方法來估計存貨和股價之間的關係。實證結果發現非計畫性存貨與股價具有負向關係符合股市投資者所討論。 理論模型中的計畫性存貨與股價兩者間具正向關係,但實證上計畫性存貨效果並不顯著,其原因可能在於存貨的加總問題。


In this paper we first separate inventory data into planned and unexpected parts using Durlauf and Maccini (1995) optimal inventory behavior model, then adopting two econometric methods-OLS and GMM-to estimate and to test this proposition, while using Taiwan’s macroeconomic and different classifications of industry stock data. The empirical results, as we expected, show that there is a negative effect of unexpected inventory on stock returns, which is corresponding to the investigation of the market analysts. Nevertheless, the hypothesis of positive the relationship between the planned inventory and stock returns, which I derive from the theoretical model, is empirically insignificant. This insignificant result may be caused by the improper aggregation of inventories.


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