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The Effects of Aquatic Activity Experimental Program for Multiple Handicapped Students




水中活動 頸浮具 臂浮具


Purpose: The study explored the effects of aquatic activity curriculum for motor abilities, muscular strength, cardiopulmonary endurance, daily lives, learning motivation of multiple handicapped students. Methods: The researchers designed aquatic experimental program which included two stages. Stage one is adaption of aquatic activity, stage two is supine-floating. Six multiple handicapped students participated in the program. The program sustained successive four weeks, five days in each week, about fifty minutes in one day. Analysis based on assessment indices of aquatic performance and parents' records of students' daily condition such as sleep, diet, emotions, daily care during aquatic activity. Results: 1. Because there were three students with the limitation of physical function, we could set up an alternative training movement" stand in the water" before the stage two. 2. Two students achieved the index which was "the water had be splashed by their legs over five times during thirty minutes". One student achieved the index which was "the water had be splashed by their arms and legs over five times during thirty minutes". The three students made progress of their muscular strength in the program. 3. All students made progress of their cardiopulmonary endurance during the program. 4. The program expanded experience of activities and increased motivation of learning for special students. 5. Improvement of students' cardiopulmonary function and muscular strength decreased parents' physical burden of daily care.


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