  • 期刊


The Impact of Intra-industrial Strategic Group Structure on Firm Performance-Dynamic Capability Perspective


策略群組理論至今已三十餘年,其間如群組之形成原因、廠商間是否存在績效差異、群組結構是否穩定存在以及移動障礙形成原因等等,未有一致性結論。本研究之目的便是以動態能力角度,說明過去文獻中爭議之處,並且比較在二種產業動態環境下,公司競爭優勢來源是否有所不同。 本研究選擇台灣紡織產業和IC產業為例,分別代表產業環境差異極大的穩定性產業和快速變化之產業。其後本研究以相類似資產配置分別對產業內廠商進行分群,分群結果顯示紡織產業中存在五組策略群組,而IC產業中存在兩組策略群組,根據分群結果,本研究再進一步比較群組間績效差異和動態能力差異。 實證結果發現,在紡織產業中,各策略群組間在市場佔有率上呈現顯著差異,但在純利率上則否;而IC產業中,各群組間不論是市場佔有率或純利率皆沒有顯著差異。除此之外,本研究還發現在紡織產業中,各策略群組間在動態能力上呈現顯著差異,但在IC產業中卻沒有顯著差異。公司本身所擁有動態能力以及產業內策略群組結構同時影響著產業內廠商間績效差異,那麼何者才是主因?實證結果發現,在穩定的產業環境下,策略群組結構將有效幫助廠商獲取競爭優勢;相對地,在快速變動的產業環境下,動態能力才是競爭優勢的來源。


So far, the strategic group theory has been more than 30 years. There are so many issues have been taken to discuss, such as what is the cause of the strategic group formation, if there any performance differences exist among the firm, if the structure of strategic group exists stably and what is the cause to form the mobile barrier etc., but there have no consistency conclusion. Therefore, the purpose of this study try to explain some controversies on the past literature that using the view of the dynamic capabilities; moreover, compare textile industry and IC (Integrated Circuit) industry of Taiwan under the dynamic environment to see if there any differences on the source of the competition advantage of the firm. The study uses the subjective decision to select textile industry and IC industry of Taiwan as an illustration, and furthermore through the secondary data collection to explain the two industries are stability industry and rapid change industry. Afterward the study adopts the method similar to asset deployment to group the firm in the industry separately. The outcome shows there are five strategic groups in the textile industry and two strategic groups in the IC industry. In light of the outcome, the study compares the performance differences and dynamic capabilities differences among the strategic group further. The result reveals that in the textile industry market share shows significant difference among the strategic groups, but the rate of return on sales is not; however, there have no significant difference on both market share and the rate of return on sales in the IC industry. Besides, the study also find dynamic capabilities among strategic groups appear significant difference in the textile industry, but IC industry is not. Consequently, dynamic capabilities would be the major cause to form the strategic group.


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