  • 期刊


The Female Image in the Oral Lores of Taiwanese Aborigines


西元三千多年前台灣已有南島語系民族陸續移入居住,原住民族經數千年的傳承,他們保有自己的語言、風俗,發展出豐富的歷史文化;由於原住民沒有文字,因此要了解他們的文化內涵,就必須藉由民間的口傳故事。 口傳故事包括神話、傳說及民間故事,呈現著一個民族的歷史文化、風俗習慣、社會組織、思想精神。本文藉由各族口傳故事中有關女性的神話、傳說、民間故事,加以歸納、分析、比較,期呈現出各族女性的地位、價值及其生活樣態。進而更了解這一群豐富台灣多元文化的原住民。


There were Austronesian peoples immigrating to Taiwan continually before 3000 B.C. They were the ethnic groups of Tsou, Ita Thao, Saisiat, Bunun, Rukai, Paiwan, Atayal, Amis, Tao, Pingpu, Puyuma, Kavalan and Taroko. The aborigines keep their own languages and customs after passing them down for thousands of years. Moreover, they have developed abundant history and cultures. Since the aborigines have no writing systems, we have to understand their culture through oral lores in the non-governmental circles. Oral tales, including myths, legends, and folktales, present the history, cultures, customs, social organizations, thoughts, and spirits of a people. In this thesis, I will not only generalize but also analyze and compare the role of women in the oral lores of each ethnic group. Hopefully, this thesis will give a brief account of the status, the value and the living ways of women in each ethnic group. In addition, I will try to establish the female image by the characteristics presented in the oral lores and hope this will help understand and respect the aborigines, who make Taiwan more multicultural.


aborigines folktales female images oral tales
