  • 期刊


Research on Importing the Qi-qi Spirit into the Mandela Creation




攲器 曼陀羅 心靈療癒


"Qi-qi", an artifact lopsided vessel, itself has the spirit and meaning of warning. When the vessel is empty, it tends to be oblique. That warns people of modestly studying, so that they won't become illiterate. Therefore, we need to keep enriching our ability and wisdom internally and externally, in order to gradually make ourselves reasonable and sensible as well as have a foothold in the society, just like the vessel where water is being poured. While water is being poured into the vessel, it slowly turns upright. At the same time, an upright water level should be maintained, otherwise it will be toppled when it gets full. Researchers delve into discussing Qi-qi literatures on its spirit with the moderate doctrines elaborated in numerous classics, which is the spirit of middle mean in our life and the helplessness of social imbalance signed from the deep side. While researchers were creating Mandala, they found that their inner stability reached the status of balance, just like the peace of the Qi-qi spirit, "it is upright when it is in the middle''. This study focuses on the research on integrating the Qi-qi spirit with the creation of Mandala and offers the modern people a self-healing method since they pursue the external achievement but ignore their inner balance. This method can provide their minds with nutrition of positive energy in their busy pace of life. This paper will briefly introduce the entire development process of Qi-qi, the spirit of middle mean containing the philosophy of doing things, and the meaning of Mandala. Next, this paper will explain the method which integrates the Qi-qi spirit with the Mandala creation and analyze the extracted work. During the process of creation, the creator's mind and stress are both released, and the external and internal balance is received. The Qi-qi spirit is invisibly integrated into the creation process. Furthermore, it can provide the modern people with a new spiritual self-healing method in their busy life. Finally, the creation can be launched and integrated with our groceries to shape a new core value and a new style in our life.


Qi-qi Mandala Spiritual self-healing


