  • 期刊


Recent Progress of Genome Editing Technology Applied to Improve Tomato Fruit Traits


基因編輯技術為革命性的育種工具,具有精準、高效、省時、非基改、可進行多基因和多倍體編輯等優點,能輔助傳統育種之不足。番茄為世界第四大經濟作物,其為二倍體且具有高品質的基因組資訊,同時已有穩定的轉殖系統,因此相當適合應用基因編輯進行品種改良,近年來越來越多基因編輯改良番茄果實性狀的研究,最近(2021)全世界第一個商業化的基因編輯較高GABA(γ-胺基丁酸;γ-Aminobutyric acid)含量的番茄品種已經在日本上市,開啟了應用基因編輯進行番茄育種的新紀元。本文即回顧近年來基因編輯技術應用於改良番茄果實性狀之研究,包括果實大小、果實成分、果實成熟、和果實顏色等,並討論未來之可能發展。


基因編輯 番茄 CRISPR/Cas9


Genome editing technology is a revolutionary breeding tool with the advantages of precision, high efficiency, time saving, non-GM, multiplex gene editing and polyploid editing, etc., which can compensate for the shortage of traditional breeding. The tomato ranks world's fourth economic crop, diploid, has high-quality genome information and has well-developed transformation system, all making it a suitable crop for improvement by genome editing. In recent years, increasing improvement of tomato fruits by genome editing have been made. Recently (2021), the world's first commercial tomato variety (high-gamma-aminobutyric acid) has been launched in Japan which opened a new era of applying genome editing for tomato breeding. This article reviews recent studies on the application of gene editing technology to improve fruit characteristics in tomato, including fruit size, fruit composition, fruit ripening, and fruit color and discusses possible future perspectives.


Genome editing Tomato CRISPR/Cas9
