  • 期刊


Contrastive Analysis of Dynamic Spatial Constructions in Mandarin and Taiwan Sign Language


本文主要探討華語與臺灣手語的動態空間結構(在華語中一般稱之爲趨向動詞結構),討論的範圍包括了“來”、“去”、“上”、“下”、“進”、“出”、“過”等空間概念。華語中的動態空間關係往往用“來”、“去”、“上”、“下”、“進”、“出”、“過”等趨向動詞來表達,在臺灣手語的動態空間關係則由共現結構來表達,所謂的共現結構是將主體和背景兩個成份共同的呈現出以表達彼此的空間關係。爲具體呈現臺灣手語的空間語法結構,本文根據Talmy(1985, 2000)將動作事件(motion event)分解成主體(Figure)、背景(Ground)、路徑(Path)、動作(Motion)與方式(Manner)五個基本的語意成分,希望透過華語與臺灣手語空間結構的對比分析來說明口語與手語之間的不同語言特徵,俾使以聽障學生爲教學對象的華語老師能夠更具體的掌握兩者之間的差異,以改進華語文的教學品質,讓聽障的學生在華語文的讀寫方面能有更突出的表現。


This paper discusses dynamic spatial constructions in Mandarin and Taiwan Sign Language. It has been noted that dynamic spatial constructions in Mandarin (also known as directional verb constructions) are usually expressed by using directional verbs such as lai 'come', qu 'go', shang 'ascend/up', xia 'descend/down', jin 'enter/into', chu 'exit/out', and guo 'pass/through', whereas in Taiwan Sign Language the same constructions are expressed by simultaneous constructions, in which the Figure component and the Ground component are represented simultaneously to express their spatial relation. Following Talmy's (1985, 2000) analysis that a motion event can be decomposed into five major semantic components: Figure, Ground, Path, Motion, and Manner, this paper illustrates the different linguistic properties between dynamic spatial constructions in Mandarin and Taiwan Sign Language, hoping that Mandarin language teachers can get the benefit from this study and improve their teaching Mandarin reading and writing to deaf students.


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