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A Metadiscourse Study of Synonymous Modals in the Academic Genre




後設論述 學術論文 文體 情態 華語教學


This paper compares the semantic and pragmatic functions between synonymous modals ke/keyi 'can' and neng/nengguo 'can' by examining academic research papers in the fields of medicine and liberal arts. The results show that, in the academic genre, both modals are most often used in the sense of neutral possibility to fulfill interactional metadiscourse functions. However, only ke/keyi 'can' can be used to assist the realization of interactive metadiscourse functions. This shows that modals similar in meaning can achieve different pragmatic functions. The distributions of ke/keyi 'can ' and neng/nengguo 'can ' in different disciplines further suggest that ke/keyi 'can' carries a stronger sense of objectivity. The pragmatic analysis is shown to be useful to resolve semantic ambiguity. The conclusions may provide new insight into the research and pedagogical application of Mandarin metadiscourse and modality.


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