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Pre-Service CSL Teachers' Field Experience in the Real and the Virtual Worlds




Parallel abstracts

This paper aims to describe the field experience of the prospective teachers of Chinese as a Second Language (CSL) in the pre-service teacher training programme, regarding the similarities and differences of pedagogic skills between the conventional classroom and Second Life. There were two student teachers recruited from National Taiwan Normal University majoring in Applied Chinese Language and Literature (ACLL). Both reflected on how they made pedagogical changes in relation to the extent of the consciousness- raising, decision making and perception towards the two environments. In the student teachers' reflection reports, there have identified a number of significant pedagogical features that accounted for the differences and similarities between the real and the virtual worlds, namely, tasks, skills and resources, classroom management and teaching methodologies. The preliminary results derived from the post teaching interviews confirm that, to some extent, the prospective teachers' pedagogical knowledge was influenced by their previous experience (e.g., foreign language learning). Besides, the findings reveal that the student teachers felt more confident in the face-to-face context than in the virtual environment in terms of their pedagogical knowledge and skills, e.g., conducting activities, and managing students' conduct. The teachers' knowledge transferred from the real to the virtual world has implications for teacher education.


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