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The Study on the Customer Satisfaction of Service Quality in Automotive Service Industry in Taipei Area

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本研究主要在探討大台北地區汽車服務業服務品質滿意度之現況,並以SERVQUAL服務品質模式為理論基礎,將服務品質區分為五個構面(保證性、關懷性、反應性、可靠性、有形性),並發展「汽車服務廠服務品質滿意度調查問卷」,對大台北地區六大廠牌十二家汽車服務廠之420位進廠保養或維修的車主進行問卷調查。 本研究之調查資料先進行項目分析及信度分析及信度分析,並以描述統計說明車主及車輛之基本資料,再以獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析及多元迴歸分析對問卷內容進行顯著性考驗。 結果顯示顧客對於汽車服務廠服務品質滿意度,在SERVQUAL的5個構面均未達到「滿意」程度,顯示服務廠在服務品質方面仍然有很大的努力空間。在服務品質之「保證性」「反應性」、「可靠性」、「有形性」等四大構面及整體滿意度上,國內三大廠牌汽車服務廠均高於國外三大廠牌。

Parallel abstracts

This purpose of this study was to identify the satisfaction level of service quality in automotive service industry in Taipei area. The SERVQUAL model was used to be the defined theory basis of the study. Five dimensions of SERVQUAL, ”Assurance”, ”Empathy”, ”Responsiveness”, ”Reliability” and ”Tangibles”, were used to be the basic measure dimensions to develop the Questionnaire of ”Service Quality Satisfaction of Automotive Service Industry”. Data of this case study were gathered from 420 sample which were responded by the randomly selected car owners whom serviced service from the 12 Automotive Service Companies. The data analyses of this study went first to the item analysis, validity analysis, and reliability analysis of the questionnaire. Then the independence sample t-test, one-way ANOVA and simple regression methods were applied to test the significance of the data. The result shows that the satisfaction level of service quality in automotive service industry in Taipei area did not reach the satisfaction degree in the five dimensions of SERVQUAL, which reveals that there is still much room for the improvement in service quality of auto repair shops. Nevertheless, the response of ”Assurance”, ”Responsiveness”, ”Reliability” ”Tangibles” and the total satisfaction degree toward the three local leading auto brands higher than that toward foreign three leading brands.
