  • 期刊


A Community Study of the Level and the Influential Factors of Palliative Care Knowledge




Malignant neoplasm has been the leading cause of death in Taiwan since 1982. The mortality rate is increasing each year, which makes it important to have appropriate knowledge about the hospice palliative care in the end of patients' lives. This study is aimed to survey the level of knowledge about palliative care in the local community. During August to October, 2004, a structured questionnaire was developed and given to the participants in a local community. The sample frame of the participants was a list of local people who were older than 20 years. Using simple randomized sampling technique by computer, 896 was sampled and 310 of them agreed to participate. The retrieval rate was 34.6%. The questionnaire was completed on face-to-face basis. The characteristics of the participants included: average age 44.7 years, 46% being followers of traditional belief, 2.9% being health care professionals. The level of knowledge was defined as the rates of correct answers for each question. Some of the items were least understood, with the percentage correct answer less than 50%. They were the knowledge on Morphine usage, the type of diseases subject to hospice inpatient care under current national health insurance, and how hospice palliative care helps in symptom control and patient care. Relevant factors for better knowledge level include female, younger age, higher educational level, health care professional, ever heard of hospice care, and prior attendance to lectures about hospice. The study shows that there are still rooms for improvement in hospice palliative care education among lay people in the community. The authors suggest to propagate the current policy of care by the national health insurance to the public, especially to the elderly with special focus on the illumination of the aims and techniques in opioid usage, which may reduce the misunderstanding among the public towards opioid usage in terminally-ill cancer patients.


hospice palliative care lay people


