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Religious Dialogue and Individual: A Discussion within Malaysian Context




Malaysia is a multi-ethnic and multi-culture society, diversity is manifested in various aspects, including religion. However, due to the effect of racial politics, its religious identities have been colored by racial tone, even are 'racialized' and fall into the narrow and xenophobic gutter of tribalism. Recently, inter religion dialogue is seen as one of the way to overcome misunderstandings and stereotypes, so to build up a harmonious society. But theories related to religious dialogue, including its ethical aspect, are still in a very preliminary stage. In Malaysia, religious dialogues are always seen as dialogues between representatives of different religious traditions or groups, while individuals as the believers are relatively neglected. Modernity is based on individuality. The phenomenon of individualization of religion is happening in some societies, and this also reflected the trend of democratization of religion. The realization of individuality and awareness of self-determination is conducive to the elimination of the possible tribalism within dialogue parties' psychology and thinking, which is also more in line with the ideal of civil society.


Malaysia religious dialogue tribalism individual modernity


Ackerman, S. E.,Lee, R. L. M.(1988).Heaven in Transition: Non-Muslim Religious Innovation and Ethnic Identity in Malaysia.Honolulu:University of Hawaii Press.
Yousif, Ahmad F.(1998).Religious Freedom, Minorities and Islam: An Inquiry into the Malaysian Experience.Selangor:Thinker's Library.
(2005).Inter-religious Dialogue in Malaysia.Kuala Lumpur:Centre for Civilisational Dialogue.
