  • 期刊


The Research on Perspective Taking of Junior High School's Students in Friendship Domain




觀點取替 友誼 國中生


Friendship is very significant for junior high school students in adolescence. Building friendship is an important duty for them. Perspective taking is an important ability of making friends. The research purpose was the salience of perspective taking in friendship of junior high school's students. Selman's levels of perspective taking is the milestone of perspective taking research which investigated subjects' answers of dilemma story. The research approach focused on the real lives of friendship of junior high school's students in a class and explored their experience.The research methods were individual in-depth interview, document analysis and non-participative observation. Subjects were 16 students of a class and their mentor teacher. The research followed for three years in junior high school from Grade 7 to 9.The research found that interactions which effect the development of perspective taking in friendship domain are, the distance between two perspectives from near to far, ”exploring culture as entering friends' inner world,” ”friendship shock with friends” and ”friendship shock without friends.” Junior high school students' perspective taking abilities are various. As a whole, it develops by deeper translating others as well as shifting focus of perspective from self to others.Some students could develop the perspective taking as ”a well's frog watching an elephant.” Students with this perspective taking interpret others by student's own personality and experience and expanding the pieces of character they interpreted to as the whole person. Thus, friends are strongly close, on the contrary, radical students may bully others with large different perspectives.


丁興祥譯、張慈宜譯、曾寶瑩譯Smith, J. A.(2006)。質性心理學—研究方法的實務指南。臺北=Taipei:遠流=Yuan-Liou。
司徒懿譯Grbich, C.(2009)。簡明質性研究法分析。臺北=Taipei:韋伯文化=Weber。
黃牧仁譯Erwin, P.(2003)。兒童到青少年期的友誼發展。臺北=Taipei:五南=Wu-nan。
