  • 期刊


The Study of Relationship among Organizational Structure, Manpower Management and Organization Performance-A Case of Elementary Teacher in Miaoli


學校組織結構關係著教師合作關係,而學校領導者對於教師的權責劃分決定教師工作任務的劃分、組合及協調方式,但學校的規劃對於人力資源的運用相關性為何,對於最終之組織績效會形成多少之影響,這對於目前學校經營者在面對組織優劣成敗而言,實應列為一大考量,本研究藉由問卷調查方式以苗栗地區國小教師為對象,從受訪者對組織結構及人力資源運用的認知,及對目前組織績效的看法,蒐集資料並採用SPSS軟體進行因素分析、T 檢定、單因子變異數分析及迴歸分析,從因素分析中,三大層面之累積總變異量皆達60%以上,表示調查之結果足以解釋本次各研究層面之假設驗證。從分析結果發現組織結構對於人力資源、組織結構對於組織績效且人力資源對於組織績效皆呈顯著之正相關,從T檢定結果也驗證不同背景變項並不會造成調查結果之差異。因此,本研究認為組織在進行規劃時,應多考量教師之專業與訓練,在講求績效的這個時代學校領導者若能多給予教師這方面的協助與支持,相信對於教育專業的延續是一大助益,對於學生的學習成效亦能產生相對性的提昇。


The school organizational structure is related to the teachers' partnership. And the school leader decide to allot the teachers' assignment, recombination and coordination. But what's the relation between the school's scheme and the manpower manipulation? How is the influence for the final organization performance? That should be an important consideration for the school leader to face the excellence, inferior, success and failure of the school. The research conducted questionnaires for teachers in each of the Elementary Schools of Miaoli County. From the teachers' recognition for the organizational structure, the manpower management, and the organization performance, we adopt SPSS to conduct factor analysis, T test, one way analysis of lvariance, and regression analysis. According to the factor analysis that the all cumulative measures of variability for the three directions achieve upward 60%, the survey result can explain the hypothesis and verify. According to the data analysis, organizational structure have positive and significant effects on manpower management and organization performance, which matches up to this hypothesis of this research. From the T test result, we understand that different background can't make the difference to the survey results. So the research suggests that school should give teachers more specialty and training, when school is planning something. For the performance time, if the school leader can give more help for teachers that the specialized education can be continued, and having more performance on the students' learning.


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