  • 期刊


Marketing Strategy on Golf Course-To Take Examples from the Y Golf Course in the Central Section of Taiwan




Taiwan's golf courses are dense and numerous. For golf course operators, they have to face the competition of many golf courses. If golf course operators can formulate a sound marketing strategy, it will help to enhance the overall operational effectiveness. This study chooses Y Golf Course, which has been established for 38 years in the central section and operates well, as a case study object, and conducts face-to-face interviews with professional manager of golf course. Through data analysis, the main conclusions were as follows: 1. Product strategies: golf course, catering, golf clubs sales, golf teaching. 2. Price strategies: medium price and market price charges. 3. Promotion strategies: course advertising, FB, LINE, EDM, golf games. 4. Place strategies: zero-level channel (direct marketing). Marketing strategies often vary with business environment and management strategies. It is suggested that the discussion on marketing strategy of golf course in the future can be deepened and broadened, to enrich the research results of golf course marketing strategy issues.


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