  • 期刊

Revised SERVPERF on Measuring Information Systems Service Quality-A Competition Perspective


Since proposed by Parasuraman, Zeithaml, and Berry in 1985, SERVQUAL is a good and widely used means for measuring service quality. However, it still exists a lot of disputes in the IS domain. An alternative instrument, namely SERVPERF, proposed by Cronin and Taylor in 1992 was capable to compare with SERVQUAL on measuring service quality. The main purpose of this study is to compare reliability, construct validity, criterion-related validity, dimensionality, and predictive superiority of the revised SERVQUAL with the revised SERVPERF on measuring information systems service quality. The study conducted an empirical survey to examine three different industries-banking, manufacturing, and non-manufacturing (service). The empirical result suggests that the revised SERVPERF instrument outperforms the revised SERVQUAL instrument in reliability, construct validity, criterion-related validity, dimensionality, and predictive superiority on measuring IS service quality. Moreover, this study also investigates whether the results of overall service quality, overall satisfaction toward IS service, and further IS service intentions will have statistical significance in four demographic variables (sex, age, level of education, and year of work experience). The result indicates that overall service quality, overall satisfaction toward IS service, and further IS service intentions do not have statistical significance in four demographic variables.


Service Quality Information Systems SERVPERF


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