  • 期刊


The Application of Auxiliary Aids of Gymnastics on Handstand Acrobatic Training


本研究主要目的是期望藉由相關體育教學系統與科學知識理論,進行驗證、解釋、記錄及呈現,解決傳統實務中頂功進階(倒立)教學問題。進而重新建構及整理出適合國立臺灣戲曲學院民俗技藝學系之專業頂功進階(倒立)培訓課程,以利學生充份體會同儕互動、教具的轉換及舞臺成就等內化能力之養成。本研究方法為透過相關文獻查閱及分析、問卷調查、焦點訪談及行動研究法等方式,經彙整後建構出創新教學教案。研究對象以國立臺灣戲曲學院民俗技藝學系之高中部三年級、二年級、一年級及國中部三年級,共十六位的男女學生。研究進行流程是針對研究對象,施行每天3 小時,持續四週時間之創新教學教案來實際執行課程教學。研究資料收集以參與式觀察、焦點式訪談、問卷調查、教學日誌等方式處理及分析資料。經為期四週創新教學教案之執行及資料分析,本研究結果發現透過創新教學教案,顯示出倒立輔助教具(U型架、砂鍋、水管套、十字架)的運用,可讓學生體認不同倒立輔助教具之訓練所引發不同刺激及反應,並了解到「可動與不可動」兩者概念之間的差異性。


The main purpose of this study is to solve the teaching problems of traditional practice top advanced (handstand) by using relevant knowledge of sports science and teaching systems theory to verify, explain, record and present. By doing this, the top professional power advanced (handstand) training courses can be reconstructed and sorted out for the department of folk Arts in National Taiwan College of Performing Arts to benefit the students for fully appreciate the establishment of peer interaction, teaching aids such as conversion and stage achievements of internalization capability and development. The researchers compiled their own innovative teaching lesson plans by gathering analysis through literature, questionnaires, and interviews. The study cases are students from the Department of Folk Arts in National Taiwan College of Performing Arts, including high school and the third-year junior high school students, totally sixteen males and females. The documentation collected to collate, analyze and write a lesson plan to implement innovative teaching curriculum by doing research for 3 hours a day lasting one month of actual innovation teaching and research, participatory observation, focus interviews, questionnaires, and teaching logs to analysis data. The result showed that using innovative lesson plan and the use of auxiliary aids such as U-shaped frame, casseroles, water sets, and crosses make students recognize the different training excitement and reaction after using inverted auxiliary aids, and learn the different concepts of "movable and immovable ".


