  • 期刊


Study on the Operation of State-Owned Banks in Mainland China


中國大陸從一九七九年開始展開一連串之經濟與金融深化(financial deepening),得力於一九七八年的現代化建設重點提示;尤其一九七九年十月四日鄧小平在座談會之指示:「必須把銀行真正辦成銀行」與一九九一年視察上海時的重要談話:「金融很重要,是現代經濟的核心。金融搞好了,全盤皆活。」此均為金融改革的重要基礎及轉捩點。一九八四年一月一日起,中國人民銀行(The People's Bank of China)摒除過去「大一統」的體制,除了成立四大國家專業銀行外,也建置了其他多種的金融機構體系(制),因而,金融深化(financial deepening)改革的結果,迄今,已正式形成以中國人民銀行為金融之首下分成兩大系統:一為國家專業銀行性質的銀行;另一則為多種金融機構體系等之業務分工體系。一九九二年「建立社會主義市場經濟體制」又攸關金融改革開放的決策依據;一九九四年又進入實質宏觀全面性改革步驟與目標;一九九四年資本市場也擴大到一定基礎;一九九八年新金融體制啟動,加速其經營實力;一九九八年外資銀行也具相當規模程度,金融國際化之門正為之近於全面性開放。中國大陸金融深化改革迄今二十多年中,已顯現一定程度之規模與成效,然而,確也相對地發生體制、人力、作業、權責與控管的一些問題;就作者實地參訪以及多方研究,認為中國四大國有獨資商業銀行存在着「營運效率低」、「資本適足率低」、「資產配置效率低」三低與逾期放款(不良資產)比率太高;以及,股東結構、董事、監事成員及結構等所產生與影響問題。尤其,從二OO六年十二月後,皆成為中國大陸金融面臨國際金融接軌與金融國際自由化之問題與衝擊。本文主要是針對該四大國有商業銀行所面對的問題作分析。


Owing to promotion of modern construction in 1978, Mainland China has launched a series of economic and financial deepening since 1979.Especially on October 4th 1979, Deng Xiao-Ping stated in seminar: It is critical that mainland China should have run real bank. He also mentioned when hi s visit to Shanghai: Finance is axis of modern economy, the nation will alive once the financial structure has been developed well. Therefore those above are significant base and turning point to Mainland China's financial resolution. The People's Bank of China has abandoned so called ”Great Union” system and devoted to set up four nation owned banks and furthermore Mainland China established a lot of financial systems. Consequently, the Mainland China's financial deepening result two systems which pertain to The People's Bank of China, the first one is state-owned bank system and the other is financial organization division. The establishment of socialism-planned economy in 1992 is significant policy for Mainland China, then followed by substantial macroscopic resolution in 1994, the start of neo-financial system and the participation of foreign banks in 1998, all these above contribute to Mainland China of financial internationalization. It has been more than twenty years for Mainland China's financial deepening and it appears certain fruitful result. On the other hand it also creates some problems such as system, including system, people, operation, responsibility and internal control.According to my review and study, I presume that lower performance, lower capital adequacy, lower asset allocation efficiency, higher NPL rate are common in state owned banks. Besides, the construction of shareholder, the board member, and supervisors are also the keys to influence organizational operation. While Mainland China facing aligning with financial international market and liberalization, all those factors above are crucial issues and will impact mainland China in depth. My study is mainly review the problems of big four state owned banks and dig out some conclusions.
