  • 期刊


Development of a Computer System to Evaluate Basketball Referees' Judgments




Purpose: By conducting this research, we expect to achieve the following three goals: (1) to develop a computer system that can be used in selecting basketball referees, (2) to establish a database for the computer system, (3) to evaluate the validity and reliability of the computer system. Method: In order to develop the system, video clips of correct judgments from referees in different basketball games were edited and collected as the database. The database covers a variety of judgments made in different situations. By coping this database with a computer program, we established a system that evaluates a referee's accuracy and the time required in making judgments. To test the validity and reliability of this system, 32 basketball referees in Taiwan were randomly selected as the subjects. Every subject was individually presented with three sets of video clips, during which the subject was asked to make judgments and click on a computer screen with a mouse. The first two sets of video clips were identical, and the third set was composed of video clips that were equally hard to the ones in the first two sets but were never shown previously. The test results of these 32 subjects were collected and analyzed with ANOVA, Pearson Product Moment correlation, and Known Group Difference Statistics Methods. Results: Our computer system has high validity and reliability in evaluating a basketball referee’s accuracy and the time required in making judgments. Conclusion: This system is efficient in selecting basketball referees, and can also improve their judging skills. Moreover, by changing the video clip database, it is possible to utilize this system in training and selecting referees in other sports. This indicates that we may be able to develop similar computer systems in various kinds of sports that help referees to improve their skills in making judgments and assist referee selection.




