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Current Situation and Prospect of Healthy Diet in Taiwan’s Workplaces


成人每日在職場時間超過三分之一,研究顯示超過四成員工體重過重,因此落實員工健康飲食計畫為每個職場應盡的責任與義務。然而受限工作環境限制或工作負荷等因素,使得許多職場推動健康飲食計畫窒礙難行。自國內推動職場健康促進認證後,營養及體重管理等議題儼然成為熱門講座,但多缺乏整體架構或流於形式。本文以WHO 西太平洋區署辦公室提倡之周全性健康促進模式,自「政策與計畫」、「生理工作環境」、「社會心理環境」、「個人健康資源」及「企業社會參與」等面向檢視國內推動現況。未來建議應以取得主管承諾為優先,並考量影響員工飲食問題之多元因素,提升員工自我健康管理效能,並持續鼓勵事業單位落實企業社會責任及評估成效,始能建立永續推展健康飲食計畫效益。


Employed adults in Taiwan spend more than one-third of their time in workplaces every day. Studies have shown that 40% of employed adults in Taiwan exceed a healthy body weight. Therefore, each employer has a responsibility and an obligation to implement an employee diet plan to promote health in the workplace. Most workplaces are constrained by a particular working environment; special workloads can make a healthy lifestyle difficult. This paper focuses on the comprehensive health promotion model advocated by the WHO Western Pacific Regional Office; the present text focuses on five particular elements: Policy and Program, Physiological Environment, Social Psychology, Personal Health Resources and Corporate Social Participation. This study suggests that the promotion of a healthy diet program should be achieved by the commitment of executives and that executives should consider employees' different dietary needs to enable employees to self-manage their body weights effectively. The government should encourage the implementation of corporate social responsibility, and should establish a sustainable strategy for healthy eating programs.


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