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A Study of Infants' Physical Activities and Self-Care Skills Learning - Base on the Public Infant Care Center in New Taipei City




This research describes and discusses learning situation and parents' expectation of infants' physical and self-care skills activities. The result of study is based on two kinds of questionnaires to distinctly assess 122 caregivers and 121 parents from 6 public infant care centers in different areas of New Taipei City as the main research object. The result shows that the age bracket of caregivers is between 26 to 40; in terms of educational level, most of caregivers graduated from colleges and universities, and 93.4% of caregivers are certified by government and have related licenses. The statistics also reveals that most of the caregivers will arrange physical and self-care skills activities for infants above 5-7 times a week. As regards the research statistics of parents, for the most part of parents, the age distribution of parents is between 31 to 40 years old. Besides, infants and young children are mostly sent to public infant care centers at the age of 4-9 months. In conclusion, overall research results show that parents are satisfied with the arrangements for caregivers to guide the physical and self-care skills activities. It's quite often for parents to arrange physical and self-care skills activities for infants in their daily life. (at least 5 times a week or every day) However, when it comes to the difficulties of implementation, some parents state that children still have a sense of dependence at home, and they are more likely to be impatient, distracted, and unwilling to cooperate or uncontrollable.


徐于婷、洪福財(2012)‧家長對幼小銜接階段兒童的學習期望與教養問題之調查研究-以臺北市與新北市為例‧ 幼兒教育,308,46-63。
張鑑如、聶西平、周麗端(2018)‧當代臺灣幼兒家庭基本資料、生活環境樣貌及能力發展:KIT 資料庫樣本‧ 人類發展與家庭學報,19,45-63。
