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A Retrospective Study on Evaluation of Taiwan Sports Games about Journal and Thesis




Introduction: The purpose of this study was to explore the characteristics of the literature on benefit of sport event studies in Taiwan. This study was focused on the content analysis, publication year, research methods, sport event and subjects under investigation in periodicals and dissertations of sports academic in Taiwan from 2001 to 2015, this study would understand the development of sports academic trend in the benefits of sport event in Taiwan. Methods: In this study, we used content analysis method to classify data by means of dataization and research contents, the research was divided into four main subjects, thematic analysis, publishing annual analysis, research methods, research objects. Results: There were total 57 journals articles and 59 master's degree papers. There were total of 57 journals, which were 27 journals in management, economic benefits were draw in 22 times, research methods were used in literature review 35 times, 21 times in international games ,and investigate subject were 34 times in articles itself. On the other hand, there were total of 59 articles in the master's degree papers, which were mainly discussed in consumer behavior 30 papers, research methods were used in sponsor benefits 24 times, research methods were used in questionnaires 41 times, 12 times in international games, and investigate subject were 24 times in audience. Conclusion: This study may help sport academic in sport games research go further more and have a whole review both in journal and thesis degree. It could be seen the number of academic journals and dissertations in the past 15 years that may have benefited the sports games and pay more attention on it. Through systematical categorization and dataization, academics get scientific evidence, provide relevant data and research results to the government for discussion, and make room for classification and discussion on future sport academic research.


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