  • 期刊


The Intelligence Teaching Method the Effect of the Mental Practice on Learning of Handball Throwing


本研究旨在探討心智訓練對大學生手球擲準學習效果之影響,以勤益科技大學休閒系選修手球課程之男性學生36名爲研究對象,並將受試者分爲心智訓練組、身體練習組與控制組,各組於正式上課第二週施以手球擲準之測驗,所得成績爲前測成績,經過十週之教學,進行後測,並停止練習四週後進行保留效果之測驗,各組內教學前後之效果,以相依樣本t考驗檢定,並以單因子共變數分析檢定各組間後測與保留效果成績之差異顯著性,心智訓練的內容包含:肌肉放鬆、認知、意象等訓練,經過十週教學後,結果發現: 一、心智訓練組、身體練習組對手球擲準均有顯著之學習效果。 二、心智訓練組、身體練習組對手球擲準均有顯著之保留效果。 三、三組受試者手球擲準之後測成績有顯著差異,心智訓練組與身體練習組之後測成績均明顯優於控制組,但心智訓練組與身體練習組無顯著差異。 四、三組受試者手球擲準之保留測驗技能成績有顯著差異,心智訓練組與身體練習組之保留測驗技能成績均明顯優於控制組,但心智訓練組與身體練習組無顯著差異。


This research aim is inquiring into that the intelligence trains the influence to toss the quasi-Notional Chin-Yi University of Technology student's handball, with frequently benefit science and technology university recreational department take an elective subject a handball curriculum of male student 36 be named a research object, and be divided into a test-receiver the intelligence training set and body practice set and control set, each one after formally having a class to give handball to toss a quasi-test the second week, income result in order to measure result ago, through ten weeks of teaching, carrying on measure, and stopped practicing for four weeks, the juniors went reservation effect of test, teaching inside each one in front and back of effect, with mutually according to the sample t test examination, and measure after examining each by single factor's total variable analysis and the result of the reservation effect of difference notable, the content containment of the intelligence training: The muscle relax, cognize, idea etc. train, after ten weeks teaching after, result detection (1). 3 set of the intelligence training, the opponent ball of the set of the body practice toss quasi- all have notable learning effect. (2). 3 set of the intelligence training, the opponent ball of the set of the body practice toss quasi-all have notable reservation effect. (3). 3 sets of test-receiver's handballs measure result to contain notable difference after tossing quasi-, the intelligence measures result to all and obviously surpass a control set after training set and the set of the body practice, but the set of the intelligence training and the set of the body practice have no notable difference. (4). 3 sets of test-receiver's handballs toss quasi-reservation test technical ability result to contain notable difference, the intelligence trains the technical ability result of the reservation test of set and the set of the body practice to all and obviously surpass a control set, but the set of the intelligence training and the set of the body practice have no notable difference.


