  • 期刊


Analysis of Readiness among Perpetrators of Intimate Partner Violence


被裁定親密暴力強制處遇者常缺乏改變的準備度,以致影響處遇成效,此為處遇人員亟需關注之處。本研究以「羅德島大學家庭暴力行為改變評估量表」為工具,就337 位施暴者的填答資料,進行人口變項的獨立樣本單因子變異數分析及事後比較(α = .05),結果如下:(1)學歷:大專以上的受試者高於高中職及其以下者,高中職者高於國中以下者;(2)伴侶關係:與受暴者(曾)有婚姻關係者高於未曾有婚姻關係者;(3)共同生活時間:伴侶共同生活「5-10 年」者的施暴者的準備度較高;僅有「1 年以下」者則較低。(4)酒精使用:習慣飲用啤酒者高於飲用高粱酒與無飲酒習慣者。(5)處遇次數:參加6 次以上團體諮商處遇者高於未曾接受處遇與僅參加一次者。


Perpetrators sanctioned to attend batterer intervention programs (BIPs) are usually not ready to abstain from intimate partner violence. This may impede the effectiveness of the BIP, so it should be concerned as an important issue. The URICA-DV was administered to 337 perpetrators. One-way ANOVA and LSD post hoc tests (α = .05) determined if there were differences among demographic variables. The results were as following. (1) Perpetrators having college or higher diplomas had greater readiness than those having lower educational levels. Additionally, perpetrators with senior high school diploma had greater readiness than those with less education. (2) Perpetrators who (ever) had marital relationship with the victims had greater readiness than those who had never been married to the victims. (3) Perpetrators lived with the victims for 5–10 years had greater readiness; in contrast, those lived with the victims for less than one year had less readiness. (4) Perpetrators who were used to drinking beer had greater readiness than those who were used to drinking sorghum liquor or not used to drinking alcohol. (5) Perpetrators having finished six sessions of BIP or more had greater readiness than those having not yet attended one and those having only finished one.


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