翻轉教室的自主學習概念廣為流行,惟如何促成實質效益頗值得探討。反思日誌增進學生自我察覺、問題解決與批判性思考,亦可瞭解教學成效。本行動研究以通識「水滸傳品讀」前4週課程中,39名學生每週1 篇的反思作業,以及4週結束時所填寫的課程回饋,探討翻轉教室的學習效益與促成要件。發現翻轉教室自主學習方式讓學生:1.認識自身特性;2.增進核心知能;3.提昇表達能力;4.落實自主學習;5.肯定眾人表現;6.體悟教師專業。翻轉教室促成要件則包括:學生充分事前準備、高度專注與主動學習精神。學生學習成效自評表平均數在3.65到4.83之間(M=4.34,SD=0.44,5點量表);質性回饋也呈現高度肯定。結合反思作業進行經典小說翻轉教室的自主學習帶來良好效益,惟須留意學生準備度,並致力營造正向學習氣氛,未來可採更佳信、效度工具運用到其他專業課程。
Self-learning of flipped classroom is trendy from elementary schools to colleges in recent years, however, how to bring actual benefits to students is worth-discussing. Reflective journal, as a teaching method to augment the abilities of self-awareness, critical thinking and problem solving, could be applied to assess learning effects as well. In this action research, we analyzed 39 undergraduates' 4-week reflective journals and final feedbacks to examine the pros and cons of flipped classroom in the course of "Outlaws of the Marsh" in the 2014 academic year, first semester at Taipei Medical University. The results showed that self-learning of flipped classroom allowed students: 1. know characteristics of students' themselves; 2. augment core knowledge and skills; 3. elevate expression ability; 4. implement self-learning; 5. appreciate students own performance; 6. realize lecturer's expertise. Besides, contributing factors of successful flipped classroom included: 1. students' sufficient preparation; 2. fully attention in the class; and 3. an active and positive learning attitude. Lacking of these factors may result to lower quality of learning. In the final feedback, the average scores students assessed the course were between 3.65 and 4.83 (M=4.34, SD=0.44, 5-point Likert-type scale), and qualitative opinions also affirmed the outcomes of the course. To sum up, the flipped classroom combined with teaching method of reflective journal brought benefits certainly. Lecturers who try to devote to flipped classroom should notice students' preparation and build adequate and active atmosphere in class. Future studies could adopt instruments with better reliability and validity, analyze executive techniques and benefits of flipped classroom, and apply it to other professional courses.